1 connection charge
Englisch-Deutsch Fachwörterbuch der Wirtschaft > connection charge
2 connection charge
connection charge Anschlusskosten plEnglish-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > connection charge
3 connection charge
4 connection charge
плата абонента за присоединение к электрической сети
[А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]Тематики
плата за присоединение (к электрической сети)
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > connection charge
5 connection charge
плата за подключение к сети электроснабженияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > connection charge
6 connection charge
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > connection charge
7 connection charge
1) Техника: плата за подключение (канала связи), плата за присоединение (к электрической сети)2) Экономика: плата за подключение к сети электроснабжения4) Макаров: плата за подключение канала связи5) Энергосистемы: плата за подключение к сети6) Сотовая связь: плата за соединение (in USA) -
8 connection charge
9 connection charge
Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > connection charge
10 connection charge
Англо-русский словарь по электроэнергетике > connection charge
11 connection charge
12 connection charge
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > connection charge
13 connection charge
n TELECOM Anschlußkosten pl -
14 access (connection) charge
плата за подключение (доступ)
Плата, взимаемая с доставленной электроэнергии (с потребителя) за подключение к передающим или распределительным сетям электроэнергетического предприятия. Представляет собой плату за право передачи электроэнергии по линиям, принадлежащим другой компании.
[Англо-русский глосcарий энергетических терминов ERRA]EN
access (connection) charge
A charge levied on a power supplied, or its customer, for access to a utility's transmission or distribution system. It is a charge for the right to send electricity over another's wires.
[Англо-русский глосcарий энергетических терминов ERRA]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > access (connection) charge
15 Service Connection Charge
Logistics: SCC (авиапоставка)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Service Connection Charge
16 initial connection charge
nTELECOM cargo de conexión inicial mEnglish-Spanish technical dictionary > initial connection charge
17 connection
connection, connexion [kəˈnek∫ən]1. nounb. ( = associate) relation fc. ( = train, bus, plane) correspondance fd. (electrical) raccordement me. ( = link) liaison f• a telephone/radio/satellite connection une liaison téléphonique/radio/par satellitef. [of rods, tubes] raccord m2. compounds━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━✎ In the French word, the ct becomes an x.* * *connexion (dated) GB [kə'nekʃn] noun1) ( logical link) rapport mto have no connection with — n'avoir aucun rapport or n'avoir rien à voir avec
in connection with — au sujet de, à propos de
in this connection... — à ce sujet...
2) ( personal link) lien m ( between entre; with avec)4) ( connecting up) ( to mains) branchement m; (of pipes, tubes) raccord m; ( of wires) câblage m6) ( in travel) correspondance f7) Computing connexion f -
18 connection
nouncut the connection — die Verbindung abbrechen
in connection with something — im Zusammenhang mit etwas
miss/catch or make a connection — einen Anschluss verpassen/erreichen od. (ugs.) kriegen
* * *[-ʃən]1) (something that connects or is connected: a faulty electrical connection.) der Anschluß2) ((a) state of being connected or related: My connection with their family is very slight; I wish to talk to you in connection with my daughter's career.) die Verbindung3) (a useful person whom one can contact, especially in business: his connections in the clothing trade.) die Beziehungen (pl.)4) (a train, bus etc to which one changes from another in the course of a journey: As the local train was late, I missed the connection to London.) der Anschluß* * *con·nec·tion[kəˈnekʃən]n1. no pl (joining, link) Verbindung f (to/with mit + dat); to the mains, a telephone, a computer network Anschluss m (to an + akk)\connection to the internet Internetanschluss mto get a \connection (on phone) [zu jdm] durchkommenI'm always trying to ring you but I can never get a \connection ich versuche nun schon länger, dich telefonisch zu erreichen, aber nie komme ich durchthere are good \connections from Manchester to Birmingham es gibt gute [Verkehrs]verbindungen von Manchester nach Birminghamrailway \connection Eisenbahnverbindungpoor \connections schlechte Verbindungento miss one's \connection seinen Anschluss verpassento have \connections Beziehungen haben4. (association)▪ sb's \connection with sb jds Beziehung zu jdmwhat's his \connection with the girl? in welcher Beziehung steht er zu dem Mädchen?5. (reference)in that/this \connection in diesem Zusammenhangin \connection with sth im Zusammenhang mit etw dat6. (causality)7. (conclusion)... but I never made the \connection that they were sisters...aber ich habe nie daraus geschlossen, dass sie Schwestern sein könnten* * *[kə'nekSən]n1) Verbindung f (to, with zu, mit); (= telephone line also, wire) Leitung f; (to mains) Anschluss m (to an +acc); (= connecting part) Verbindung(sstück nt) fparallel/series connection — Parallel-/Reihenschaltung f
2) (fig: link) Zusammenhang m, Beziehung f (with zu)3) (= relationship, business connection) Beziehung f, Verbindung f (with zu); (= family connection) familiäre Beziehung; (old, form = relative) (entfernter) Verwandter, (entfernte) Verwandtethere is some family connection — sie/wir etc sind weitläufig miteinander verwandt
4) (RAIL ETC) Anschluss m* * *1. Verbindung f2. TECH allg Verbindung f, Anschluss m ( beide auch ELEK, BAHN, TEL etc), Verbindungs-, Bindeglied n, ELEK Schaltung f, Schaltverbindung f:pipe connection Rohranschluss;connection plug Anschlussstecker m3. Zusammenhang m, Beziehung f:in this connection in diesem Zusammenhang;in connection with mit Bezug auf (akk);in connection with this im Zusammenhang damit;4. persönliche Beziehung, Verbindung f:enter into connection with sb mit jemandem in Verbindung tretenb) pl (gute, nützliche, geschäftliche etc) Beziehungen pl oder Verbindungen pl, Bekannten-, Kundenkreis m, Verwandtschaft f:business with first-rate connections Geschäft n mit erstklassigem Kundenkreis6. religiöse oder politische Gemeinschaft8. Geschlechtsverkehr mcon. abk2. conclusion3. connection4. consolidated5. continued* * *noun1) (act, state) Verbindung, die; (Electr.; of telephone) Anschluss, der4) (train, boat, etc.) Anschluss, dermiss/catch or make a connection — einen Anschluss verpassen/erreichen od. (ugs.) kriegen
* * *(to, with) n.Ankopplung (an) f. n.Anschluss ¨-e m.Verbindung f.Zusammenhang m. -
19 connection
- ʃən1) (something that connects or is connected: a faulty electrical connection.) conexión2) ((a) state of being connected or related: My connection with their family is very slight; I wish to talk to you in connection with my daughter's career.) relación3) (a useful person whom one can contact, especially in business: his connections in the clothing trade.) contacto4) (a train, bus etc to which one changes from another in the course of a journey: As the local train was late, I missed the connection to London.) enlace1. conexiónthe radio wouldn't work due to a faulty connection la radio no funcionaba debido a una mala conexión2. relaciónthere's a connection between smoking and lung cancer hay una relación entre fumar y el cáncer de pulmón3. enlacetr[kə'nekʃən]1 (professional) contactos nombre masculino plural; (relatives) familia, parientes nombre masculino plural\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLin connection with en relación con, con relación ain that connection a este respecto, con respecto a estoto have connections familiar tener enchufeconnection [kən'nɛkʃən] n: conexión f, enlace mprofessional connections: relaciones profesionalesn.• acoplamiento s.m.• combinación s.f.• conexión s.f.• empalme s.m.• encadenamiento s.m.• enchufe s.m.• engarce s.m.• enlace s.m.• entronque s.m.• trabazón s.m.• unión s.f.kə'nekʃən1) ca) ( link)connection (WITH something) — enlace m or conexión f (con algo)
b) ( Elec) conexión f2) c ( Transp)connection (WITH something) — conexión f or enlace m (con algo)
I missed my connection — perdí la combinación or conexión
3) c ua) ( relation) relación f or conexión fshe is wanted in connection with the killing — se la busca en relación or en conexión con el asesinato
b) ( relationship) conexión f4) connections pla) (links, ties) lazos mplb) ( influential people) contactos mpl, conexiones fpl (AmL)c) ( relations) familiares mpl, parientes mpl[kǝ'nekʃǝn]1. N1) (Rail etc) enlace m ; (Elec, Tech) conexión f, empalme m ; (Telec) línea f, comunicación fto make a connection — hacer enlace, empalmar
there's a loose connection — (Elec) hay un hilo suelto
we've got a bad connection — (Telec) no se oye bien
in connection with — en relación a, con respecto a
there's no connection between the two events — no hay ninguna relación or conexión entre los dos sucesos
"no connection with any other firm" — "ésta es una firma independiente"
2.CPDconnection charge, connection fee N — cuota f de conexión
* * *[kə'nekʃən]1) ca) ( link)connection (WITH something) — enlace m or conexión f (con algo)
b) ( Elec) conexión f2) c ( Transp)connection (WITH something) — conexión f or enlace m (con algo)
I missed my connection — perdí la combinación or conexión
3) c ua) ( relation) relación f or conexión fshe is wanted in connection with the killing — se la busca en relación or en conexión con el asesinato
b) ( relationship) conexión f4) connections pla) (links, ties) lazos mplb) ( influential people) contactos mpl, conexiones fpl (AmL)c) ( relations) familiares mpl, parientes mpl -
20 charge
1) заряд3) зарядка || заряжать (систему, аккумулятор и т. п.)4) загрузка; метал. завалка, засыпка || загружать; метал. заваливать, засыпать6) метал., сил. садка7) заливка, заправка || заливать, заправлять8) нагнетать9) наполнитель; навеска10) пищ. партия ( продукта)11) хол. заряжать ( систему) агентом•to calculate charge — 1. рассчитывать мощность заряда 2. рассчитывать тариф;to explode ( to fire) charge — взрывать заряд;to charge off — 1. списывать в расход 2. амортизировать;to push back ( in) charge — досылать заряд;to steam (to tamp) charge — производить забойку заряда;-
additional charge
air-cushioned charge
anionic charge
anion charge
annual standby charge
atomic charge
axle-changing charges
background charge
banking charge
battery dry charge
bed charge
blast-hole charge
blasting charge
blended charge
boost charge
boost-pressure charge
borehole charge
bottom charge
bound charge
briquetted charge
broomstick charge
bulk charge
buried charge
capacitor charge
capacity charge
carrying charges
catalyst charge
cationic charge
cation charge
ceramic charge
chamber charge
coal charge
coke charge
column charge
combined charge
combustible charge
concentrated charge
connection charge
constant-current charge
constant-voltage charge
container charge
core charge
cushioned charge
Debye charge
decked charge
deep-hole charge
deep-seated charge
demurrage charge
depreciation charges
detonating charge
directional charge
divided charge
effluent charge
electrical charge
electric charge
electron charge
electrostatic charge
elementary charge
emission charge
energy charge
equalizing charge
equilibrium charge
excess charge
exploding charge
explosive charge
extended charge
extra charge
extrinsic charge
ferric charge
floating charge
free charge
freight charge
fuel charge
furnace charge
group charge
hanging charge
heavy charge
high-caking charge
high-iron charge
high-scrap charge
hot charge
hydrocarbon charge
image charge
induced charge
initial charge
initiating charge
intake charge
interface charge
intrinsic charge
inversion charge
ionic charge
ion charge
iron charge
jet charge
kiln charge
kilowatt-demand charge
kilowatt charge
lag charge
layered charge
lead cation charge
like charges
machine charges
magnetic charge
maintenance charges
meter charge
misfired charge
misfire charge
mold charge
momentary charge
multiple charge
negative charge
no-plug jet charge
nuclear charge
opposite charges
ore charge
photoproduced charge
picture charge
piezoelectric charge
point charge
polarization charge
pollution charge
positive charge
power charge
primary charge
primer charge
priming charge
raw charge
reactivity charge
readiness-to-serve charge
recovery charge
refraction charge
remanent charge
ring charge
rod charge
running charges
sandwich charge
secondary charge
self-fluxing charge
separated charge
service charges
shaped charge
sheet charge
shot charge
shothole charge
space charge
specific charge
spherical charge
sprung-hole charge
standby charges
standing charge
static charge
storage charge
stored charge
surface charge
surplus charge
tempering charge
total charge
trail cation charge
transferred charge
trapped charge
trickle charge
tumbling charge
unit charge
unlike charges
usage charge
variable charges
volume charge
water charge
zero charge
См. также в других словарях:
Connection Charge — An amount paid by a customer for being connected to an electricity supplier s transmission and distribution system … Energy terms
connection — con|nec|tion W2S3 [kəˈnekʃən] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(relationship)¦ 2¦(joining)¦ 3 in connection with something 4¦(electrical wire)¦ 5¦(train/flight etc)¦ 6¦(road/railway etc)¦ 7¦(people)¦ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1.) ¦(RELATIONSHIP)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English
connection — con|nec|tion [ kə nekʃən ] noun *** ▸ 1 relationship between ▸ 2 in transportation ▸ 3 joining of two things ▸ 4 for TV/computer ▸ 5 useful people you know ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a relationship between things or events: connection between: I fail … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
connection */*/*/ — UK [kəˈnekʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms connection : singular connection plural connections 1) a) [countable] a relationship between things or events connection between: I fail to see a connection between the two cases. connection with/to: His… … English dictionary
connection*/*/*/ — [kəˈnekʃ(ə)n] noun 1) [C] a relationship between things or people I don t see a connection between the two cases.[/ex] She was alleged to have connections with the secret police.[/ex] 2) [C] a train, bus, or plane that allows you to continue a… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
Charge conservation — In physics, charge conservation is the principle that electric charge can neither be created nor destroyed. The net quantity of electric charge, the amount of positive charge minus the amount of negative charge in the universe, is always… … Wikipedia
charge — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 price asked for sth ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy, high ▪ nominal, reasonable, small ▪ minimum ▪ fixed … Collocations dictionary
connection — noun 1 relationship between two things ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, close, direct, intimate, strong ▪ There is a close connection between family background and academic achievement. ▪ tenuous … Collocations dictionary
charge — charge1 [ tʃardʒ ] noun *** ▸ 1 amount of money to pay ▸ 2 when someone is accused ▸ 3 amount of electricity ▸ 4 an attack running fast ▸ 5 amount of explosive ▸ 6 someone you take care of ▸ 7 ability to cause emotion ▸ 8 instruction to do… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
charge */*/*/ — I UK [tʃɑː(r)dʒ] / US [tʃɑrdʒ] noun Word forms charge : singular charge plural charges 1) [countable/uncountable] an amount of money that you have to pay, especially when you visit a place or when someone does something for you You will have to… … English dictionary
Charge pump — 2 stage charge pump with DC voltage supply and a pump control signal S0 A charge pump is a kind of DC to DC converter that uses capacitors as energy storage elements to create either a higher or lower voltage power source. Charge pump circuits… … Wikipedia